Support Bigg Play

As you might imagine the costs of the international trips and invites are high. The cost of the 2012 excursion is expected to be approximately $63,000.00. Fund raising is an ongoing series of breakfasts, dinners, raffles, dances, solicitations, etc. Each team member and his family are actively involved in our fundraising efforts. Participation is key to the success of our program, and plays a large part in the bonding and team-oriented goals that we try to stress.

Bigg Play is appreciative of past community support. You can help by supporting our fundraising events and/or by making a donation. If you would like to know more about Bigg Play or know when the next fundraiser is please contact:

Bill Shea, President

Andre LaCombe, Treasurer


Donate Online!

BiggPlay now offers the ability to make a donation online via PayPal's secure server. A PayPal account is not required, all major credit cards accepted.


Upcoming Events:


See Home Page


For tickets or information call:

Bill          860-933-9414

Mooney 423-8980
